The Challenge
Children and the Nirvana Water brand share something in common; purity.
However, exposure to explicit and vulgar lyrics in popular songs can taint
the nature of children and lead to aggression, risky sexual behavior, and other
anti-social behaviors. With the increasing rate of vulgar lyrics in Nigerian music, children are at a high risk of consuming musical content that promote social vices such as drug abuse, sexual violence, internet fraud, etc, that will ultimately hurt their psychological development. So, we needed to raise public consciousness about the need to protect children from vulgar Nigerian music.
The Solution
To address this, Nirvana Water created an awareness campaign to serve
as a clarion call to all adult members of society to help preserve
the innocence of children by stopping their exposure to these vulgar lyrics before it is too late. We needed to show how much profanity exists in Nigerian songs today and how clueless kids are to them even when
they sing along. As a social experiment launched on Children’s Day,
this film featured seven kids who were asked to interpret lyrics from popular songs. Their inability to pick up the negative undertones
and vulgar meanings of these lyrics underscored their innocence/purity
and the need for society to stop the exposure before they know.
The campaign sparked genuine conversations across different social media platforms, with over 1.2million people engaging with the video.
It was also featured on a number of online news platforms, as well as major blogs across Nigeria.